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Name:Mahady Hasan Fahim

I am professional Web developer

Email: fmahady01@gmail.com



Carrier Objective

I am Professional Web developer and 2d animator. I am using PHP with laravel freamwok for backend and for fontend using HTML,CSS,JS. And using Blender for 2D animation

Working Exprience

Project Name: Data Management System

Technology: JAVA and DSA

Description: Manage the data using DSA concept

Project Name: Cash Memory Cleaner

Technology: C

Description: Cleaning all browsing data of browser

Project Name: Malware

Technology: C++ and Shell Scripting

Description: Store the kye Strocks and sent it using email

Project Name: Cricket match Management System

Technology: C

Description: Full score and turnament Management System

Project Name: E-Train

Technology: C

Description: Managing all station ticket system

Project Name: Static Website only using HTML

Technology: HTML

Description: My all details of my carrier


Programming Computer fundamental Editing and Creation Language

  • C
  • JAVA
  • C++
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • PHP
  • Installing Software
  • Network Trubleshuting
  • Instaling Device
  • 3D model and Animator in Blender
  • 2D Model and Animator in Blender
  • Video editing in Blender and filmora
  • Photo Editing in Photoshope and Snapseed
  • Expert in Powerpoint,MS Word,Excel
  • Certified in Kali linux
  • Bangla
  • English
  • Hindi

  • Education History:

    Degree Name Institude Name Passing Year

    JSC Fatema Nagar High School 2015
    SSC Fatema Nagar High School 2017
    HSC AMMC 2019

    Training Information

    Training Name Institude Name Date
    Intermdeiate Ethical Hacking Workshope IEEE 16-04-2022
    PHP With laravel freamwok BMIT 09-04-2023


    Intermediate Ethical Hacking with kali Linux

    Competitor at Hult Prize at Green University of Bangladesh

    For successfully completing the 0 CEUS/CPES

    Click here for this website's code from my Github.